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    How Criminals commit crime at workplace: Simply identify them
    The professional qualities of any law enforcement officer first of all, is how is he able to determine the true intentions of the criminal, to solve processes, occurring among the convicts, methods of preparing and committing crimes, tactical methods of masking criminal behavior and relationships, to predict the conflict development of events in prisons and unlawful behavior of convicts after release. In the context of this problem, it is also important to note, that in the criminal environment people communicate mainly with gestures. This law enforcement agencies at any level should know as well as recognize the gestures, facial expressions and postures of convicts.

    This course is designed to equip law enforcement officers with the knowledge of Criminal Body Language and how they can use this knowledge to read beyond the obvious and determine a subject’s true thoughts and feelings. Without the use of these tools, an interviewer can be tempted to take the interview at face value, resulting in wrongful convictions and the culpable getting off scot-free.

    Fortunately, body language cues like gestures, eye movement, body posture and touch are mostly involuntary and there is a science to them which once understood in the context of the situation, simplify the process and result in an officer being able to see through a criminals’ facade. We will explore the basics of body language and unravel the secret body messages of criminals to equip our learners with the basic knowledge to assist them in an interview situation.

    We will also seek to equip officers with tools in self-improvement that can help them advance, both in building their personalities and in career development.
    By the end of this course, you will be able to:
    • To give an overview of body language & to gain an insight into body language
    • To state how law enforcement officers are empowered to detect crime & to understand the effects of culture on body language interpretation
    • To explain the concept of space and distance as they relate to communication
    • To understand the use of emotions through facial expressions
    • To know how we can rely on the eyes for crime detection
    • To understand the concept of haptic communication
    • To understand how to profile criminals in all situations
    • To understand how to interpret paralanguage communication
    • To know the messages in criminals’ gestures and postures & to understand the body language messages of hand movements
    • To investigate the manner of expression of criminals, To share some tips on how to improve on the act of reading people & To know the reasons people fail to rightly interpret body language signals
    • Define body language
    • Understand the of interpreting body language
    • Learn to interpret basic movements in criminals
    • Describe the officers play in crime detection
    • Explain how different cultures for similar body language nuances
    • Define the basics of personal space
    • Describe the emotions relating to space and distance
    • Understand how criminals take advantage of space to perpetrate and conceal their crimes
    • Define the two types of emotional reaction
    • Explain how facial expressions can be used to
    • Define the relationship between eye
    • Describe how a law enforcement officer movement
    • Define haptic communication
    • Define appropriate and inappropriate in an interview
    • Describe criminal profiling and its role in cracking down on offenders
    • Describe the process of perceived behavior ties into this
    • Define paralanguage communication
    • Explain how silence can be or interviewer to gain an upper hand
    • Understand which posture are to be in control of an interview
    • Understand what different postures and hand gestures signify
    • Understand the language of criminals
    • Understand how to read people of body language
    • Identify your areas of strength and weakness and determine how you can improve each
    Who should attend
    • All Ministries’ Enforcement officers
    • Investigating Officers
    • Security Officers
    • Disciplinary Officers
    • Patrolling Profilers
    • Surveillant Officers
    • Private Eye
    • Airline Officers
    • Gate hold room Screening Officers
    • Auxiliary Officers
    • and many other officers who upholds the Law
    This will be a two-day course, conducted formally and the following methodologies will be applied:
    • Presentation
    • Group Discussion
    • Individual and team exercises
    • Videos
    • Role-playing
    • Case studies
    The activities were very engaging.

    Alan's vast experience has made this course very interesting. He is able to engage us with us for the course content.

    Willing to share his vast experience with participants. Humous and good human touch during lessons.

    The trainer, Mr Elan, is fun & enjoyable to listen to and has vast experience in this field of expetise.

    highly recommended course

    Excellent course! Elan is amazing and humble

    Able to relate the topics to my work and personal experience

    Interactive, able to engage the audirence with real-life experences.

    Background of trainer relates to the topic very well.
    Profile of Alan Elangovan
    The Master Trainer Alan, an erudite behavioral analyst with three decades of firsthand experience. For the past 30 years, he has been equipping civil servants in Singapore and the corporate world on how to enhance and harness their skills for increased productivity. His expertise in strategic training has made him the cynosure of all eyes within and outside of Singapore.

    He has been the point man in identifying, researching and strategically implementing the specific training needs for the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) workforce in their various departments. For seven years, he was the company trainer at the SAF; he spent the next five years in the private sector as a corporate trainer before pitching his tent with the Ministry of Home Affairs for two decades as their master trainer and public speaker.

    From experience, Alan understands that detecting a high-quality forgery and other related criminal cases is time-consuming, energy-demanding and intellectually-tasking, and as such, he came up with a quintessential training program tagged Profiling Techniques and Behavioral Courses. Since 2004, he has always been the resource personnel at Immigration Checkpoints Authority's (ICA) seminars for their workforce. Alan recorded another great feat by being contracted to share his wealth of experience with officers in some other countries of the world. Since then, he has been a regular face in seminars conducted for immigration and customs officers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bhutan, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The continuous flow of classes he conducts for people from Asian region has unarguably enhanced the quality of his delivery and also increased his knowledge. Alan have trained an estimated number of 100,000 officers all over public and private sectors.

    His efforts were never allowed to go in vain as he has clinched many laurels and international recognitions. He was given the title of Master Trainer in 2015. Other coveted awards that Alan has won are: Commissioner Testimonial for Outstanding Trainer Award and Commendation for Outstanding Trainer Award. Since then, many other laurels have crossed his path.
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