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    Creating Abundance of Wealth & Joy - Your Personal Mastery & Self-Awareness Workshop
    Game is a reflection of our behaviour. In this 1-day fun and relax interactive workshop, participants will learn skills on how to adapt to the rapid changes in the work place, create work life harmony and more joy and wealth in life.

    This workshop will be using the 2 tools: the Points of You® and Wealth and Joy® Simulation game.

    1. Points of You® developed by Yaron and Efrat from Israel. It is not just a game but also a lifestyle that promotes authentic communication, reflections, and insights that can quickly adapt for different target audiences, contexts, and goals.

    2. Wealth and Joy® Simulation developed by Tang QianJiu from China. It is a simulation of life from 20 – 60 years old. In the simulation, players will gain awareness on the following quotients: Awareness quotient, Emotional quotient, Adversity quotient, Financial quotient, Health quotient and Play quotient.
    At the end of the 1-day workshop, participants should be able to:
    • Increase self-awareness on their priority at work and in their personal life
    • Apply the application of the Points of You® and Wealth and Joy® Simulation game in understanding self and others to improve communication
    • Understand individual strengths for building personal resilience amidst challenges
    • Adapt to the changes at work and in personal life
    • Introduction to Wealth and Joy® Simulation
    • Awareness on the importance and application of the following at works:
      • Awareness Quotient
      • Emotional Quotient
      • Adversity Quotient
      • Financial Quotient
      • Health Quotient
      • Capability Quotient
    • Alignment and Action Planning for Work Life Harmony
    • Increase self-awareness on their priority at work and in their personal life.
    • Creating your wealthy and joyful life
    Who should attend
    Anyone who is looking at creating more wealth and joy in life and have more work life harmony.
    Experiential learning using Points of You® and Wealth and Joy® Simulation game, self-reflection and group discussion.
    Very practical and inspiring course. Fantastic trainer and surprise guest appearance with an inspiring message

    Raymond is a fantastic trainer. Very engaging even though the class size was small. I would recommend him to anybody who’s interested in leading a purposeful life
    Profile of Raymond Yap
    - Master in Education and Training, University of Southern Queensland
    - Practicing Management Consultant
    - Certified TetraMap® Facilitator
    - Certified Neuro-Linguisitics Programming
    - Master Practitioner
    - Certified Executive Coach

    Raymond has served in the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) for 27 years. Some of the significant appointments he held include Battalion Commander, Brigade Operations Officer, Staff Officer in Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), Wing Commander and Deputy Commander of the Air Force School (AFS).

    His vast experience with the RSAF covers the areas of operations, training, human resource planning and management, budget control and strategic planning. These experiences set the foundation for him to becoming an active, experienced and professional trainer, consultant and executive coach.

    Raymond is a qualified Practicing Management Consultant (PMC). He has served as the MINDEF Excellence Award (MES) Assessor and involved in preparing 4 units from the Singapore Armed Force (SAF) to prepare the Service Excellence Niche Standard certification.

    Additionally, he had many exposures to the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) consulting projects. As PMC, he is able to provide his Business Excellence consulting services to companies in Singapore.

    Raymond is an experienced certified Executive Coach and has served as Executive Coach for SAF since Nov 2007. He has since then coached more than 50 senior officers and corporate leaders.

    Raymond is certified as qualified coach with Stolmack Group Pte Ltd (Australia), University of Lancaster (UK) and Erickson Coaching International (Canada).

    Raymond Yap is also an established Master TetraMap®️ Facilitator certified by Yoshimi and Jon Brett, founders of the TetraMap®️. He is also a certified facilitator for Points of You®️, MBTI and SDI profiling tools. Lastly, he is a certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner.
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